Living Outside the Box

unschooling, special needs and life as a disabled parent

On The Second Day of Christmas


We ended up starting our 2nd of December crafts on the night of the 1st of December.

Small was really struggling – he is a bit poorly and was tired but couldn’t sleep, so he got very upset – and he needed the distraction, so out came the paper chain kit. We had some upsetting conversations about being unhappy and wanting to be ‘normal’. It’s very hard to hear your six year old say that he feels sad all the time, but I tried to empathise and validate his feelings whilst reminding him that his dad and I love him unconditionally.

This year he has the coordination and fine motor control to form the chains himself and he took great delight in hanging them on the tree. He calmed down a lot and fell asleep next to me.


After  a little sleep overnight I broke out the coloured paper and double sided tape and we made more decorations. I saw something similar on Pinterest but I didn’t follow any instructions, just cut strips of paper into different lengths and stuck them together.

What Christmas decorations do you like to make with your children?

Author: creativecripple2

I am Victoria, mum to Small. I have Hypermobility Syndrome which has left me disabled and Small has autism. We unschool and aim to live consensually.

3 thoughts on “On The Second Day of Christmas

  1. We got a paper chain kit which has pull tab sticky parts so is easier for Dinky to do paper chains, but she quickly gets bored. So we have short bursts of crafts. Although I picked her up a stamper set of the snowman and snowdog, I’m hoping that if I do white strips she can stamp them all for me because she loves that type of non fine motor skill yet repetitive task. Plus who doesn’t love a snow dog 😉

    Hope small feels better soon.


    • We use the same, brilliant for little hands. I often find Small has wandered off and I am crafting on my own! The stamps sound great, I do love the snowman, even at twenty nine years old 😉


      • I’m 28, we all need the snowman and snow dog in our lives.
        I got the stamps from mothercare (while trying to find a shopping basket for Dinky’s special needs buggy).



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